Thursday, December 30, 2004

Liberating New Hampshire

Bellator and I and others of similar sentiment often joke about leaving Canada for a country or jurisdiction that isn't so statist in its people's disposition or its government's actions. For example, Australia--which recently re-elected John Howard for a fourth-consecutive term on an unabashedly free-market platform--would be an ideal candidate for resettlement, or even Alberta (provided Dr. Ted Morton, MLA succeeds Ralph Klein as Premier).

However, Reason recently (and lengthily) profiles an organised movement to establish a veritable libertopia in New Hampshire, often already considered one of the freest areas of North America. The Free State Project (of which I have occasionally heard) is encouraging libertarians who sign onto the project to move to that state once they achieve a critical mass of 20,000 individuals. Given the tiny size of New Hampshire--and its current conservative/libertarian bent--this proposition to create a classically liberal paradise may not be such an unattainable dream.

Should our plans to de-statify Canada go awry, Bellator and I may wish to consider resettlement in a friendly state to the south of Quebec rather than a continent a world away.


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