Monday, March 28, 2005

PLVQ Denounces Bigot Liberal MP Mark Holland

This despicable release was recently sent out by rookie Ajax-Pickering MP Mark Holland, a (proud, seemingly) member of the Liberal Party of Canada (via Blogging Tories):

'Show your faces,' MP Holland tells bigot group

An anonymous group circulating flyers across Canada attacking MPs who support same-sex marriage should come out of hiding and show their faces, Ajax-Pickering MP Mark Holland demands.

The group, Concerned Canadian Parents, operates from a post office box in a 7-Eleven store on Weston Road in Toronto, and provides no information about who is behind its expensive campaign.


"I call upon the media, who have been accepting their advertising dollars, to tell Canadians who is behind Concerned Canadian Parents," said Holland.


"I strongly disagree with this group’s message of intolerance, but I respect their right to free speech," Holland says. "What I object to is that a cowardly, anonymous group can launch an expensive campaign to attack Parliamentarians without showing their faces."


While I can't begin to fathom why a Member of Parliament would draw attention to a campaign which exudes a negative view of the policy he supports, it nonetheless typifies the uncivil way in which many Liberals have approached the debate over gay marriage--that opponents of the legislation are nothing more than ignorant "bigots".

This deplorable attitude towards the legitimate moral and religious perspective of individuals only emboldens many irreligious persons like myself, who fear that Holland's attitude reflects a growing disdain for religious liberty among the chattering classes.

Holland's Liberal Youth Wing likes to say "It's the Charter, Stupid!". But a much more accurate slogan for this party would be "It's the Charter, Stupid, Except Section 2".


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