Monday, May 16, 2005

PLVQ Endorses Liberals*

For their economic stewardship.

For their tax cuts.

For their integrity in government.

For their elimination of the deficit.

For forcing their radical opposition to move to the centre in order to stave off electoral oblivion.

For all these reasons, PLVQ has decided to endorse the Liberals in the forthcoming election*.

*The Gordon Campbell-led BC LIBERALS, that is, at tomorrow's ballot box.

The party's agenda to rehabilitate the economic health of that province during their four-year mandate--despite opposition from the usual suspects like university-based socialists and union leaders--through tax and spending cuts, deficit-slashing, and reduction in the size of government, is an agenda that would have made Mike Harris proud.

While they have backtracked or stalled greater competition for state-dominated monopolies such as BC Liquor, disavowed privatisation entirely in the case of state-run auto insurer ICBC, and implemented a populist democratic reform process that could have a deleterious effect on constituent representation and BC's Westminister democracy, these blemishes can be overlooked (especially given the only other competititive party is the NDP).

Over the next four years, the Liberals should refrain from succumbing to Ralph Klein syndrome--that horrible malady where a government loses all fiscal discipline when its province's books return to order. Gordon Campbell should continue with tax cuts and other measures to ensure that BC remains competitive while permanently reducing the size of government.

Whether this happens or not, the fact that the *BC NDP* have discovered the merits of fiscal prudence is enough to illustrate the positive impact that the Liberal government has had on the politics and economy of British Columbia since 2001.


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