Friday, December 02, 2005

Electoral Musings from a Washed-up Former PM (But not Joe Who!)

...Talk about coming out of the woodwork! Former Prime Minister Kim Campbell emerged from anonymity yesterday to criticise the Tories, prognosticating that they won't win this election. Something about 'frightening' voters.

You know, I would be more concerned if this wasn't the pontification of a failed statesman--who was at the helm of the worst electoral implosion ever in a Western democracy, partly because she was too busy 'screwing around with her Russian boyfriend'.


At 1:13 am, Blogger Alex Sloat said...

Wow. That's even sadder than Jimmy Carter's continued illusion of being a statesman - at least Carter got elected once.

At 7:23 pm, Blogger eastern capitalist said...

Well if Kim thinks we are going to lose...just may be we might actually win.


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