Monday, November 08, 2004

Leftist Linda McQuaig Slides Further Into Abyss of Intolerance

Easily the most socialist columnist at the Toronto Star, Linda McQuaig frequently peppers her columns with anti-American, anti-Bush, and-Halliburton drivel, much of which could be characterised as puerile ranting rather than reasoned commentary.

Her columns are usually good for a laugh, or to make one's blood boil, and this week's tome was no exception. Here is a priceless excerpt from the column, which centred around her rejection of some Canadians' desire for further integration with the United States:

And we don't have to abandon what we believe in just because clever Republican strategists managed to get a few million extra God-fearing, gay-hating, anti-abortionists to the polls.

I wrote the following email to her in response:

Ms. McQuaig,

Until President Bush's re-election, you frequently dismissed his presidency as
illegitimate, because it was settled in the courts and he failed to win the
popular vote.

This time, the President has won a clear victory, but you conveniently dismiss this fact by engaging in ad hominem attacks on his supporters, characterising them as "...a few million extra God-fearing, gay-hating, anti-abortionists to the polls," as if those votes are worth less than those cast by the effete and enlightened Northeastern American electorate.

The irony is brillant. Week after week, you lecture your humble readership
about "tolerance" and "openness", values which you refuse to embody when you discuss those who happen to possess a different value set than your own.

How do you reconcile this contradiction?

-[Patronus Rationis]

I eagerly await her response, though I suspect nothing is forthcoming.


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