Saturday, November 06, 2004

On Yasser Arafat, the Father of Modern Terrorism

PLVQ is pleased to present ARAFATWATCH, a regular feature which will follow the last moments of Yasser Arafat's existence, while reflecting on the havoc he, the Palestine Liberation Organisation, its factions, and their followers have wreaked over the course of nearly forty years of terrorism.

The vigil currently being held in France in celebration of this man conveniently ignores some of the more repugnant achievements of the PLO under Mr. Arafat's leadership. This is an organisation which is responsible for, during the course of its history:

-- Destablising both Jordan and Lebanon
-- Helping to precipitate the 1973 Yom Kippur War
-- Popularising airline hijackings
-- Contributing to the horrific 1972 Munich Massacre
-- The murder of thousands of innocent civilians through suicide attacks
-- Rampant corruption and personal enrichment among officials in the West Bank and Gaza, despite that tens of thousands of Palestinians live in poverty

Click here for the Arafat wire. I shed no tears for a man who is directly responsible for the suffering of so many.


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