Seal Hunt = WWII Gas Chambers = One Forgotten Celebrity Seeking Attention
Joining the ever-growing chorus of washed-up rock stars protesting the North Atlantic seal hunt, 1980s rocker Morrissey (formerly of "The Smiths" fame) is boycotting Canada during his forthcoming tour. In an unnecessary affront to victims of the Nazi regime, he commented:
"The Canadian Prime Minister also states that the slaughter is necessary because it provides jobs for local communities, but this is an ignorant reason for allowing such barbaric and cruel slaughter of beings that are denied life simply because somebody somewhere might want to wear their skin. Construction of German gas chambers also provided work for someone - this is not a moral or sound reason for allowing suffering."
I suppose if all the Canadian seal hunt has to worry about are the diatribes of moral superiority emanating from former celebrities desperate for attention, then it will likely continue its viability as an industry.
Oh, and of course, Morrissey's new album is released today. Coincidence?
Well, if you ask me I'd say that this shouldnt happen in Canada of the 21st century. It is inhumane and cruel but going nuts to protest it is not good though...
I think its utterly hilarious that his new single is called "You Have Killed Me."
I guess he knows how the little guys feel.'s actually not bad. I may download it...but I won't pay for it!
Take that Morrisey!!!
It's no worse than taking the life of an animal for food. The difference is the ethic of killing animals for purposes not connected to human subsistence (ie. for fur). If the latter is objectionable, then the supposed inhumanity of method used to kill the seals isn't the issue, it's the fact that they are being killed simply for their furs; the criticism then shouldn't be limited solely to the seal hunt.
I hate actors/actresses/musicians
Why do people give recognition to anything these people have to say. 4 years ago when I graduated High School, I'm pretty sure I had a better education that any of these self-professed experts. That's why on my blog I have proposed the creation of PEDA.
Seal products consist of leather, oil, handicrafts, and meat for human and animal consumption as well as seal oil capsules rich in Omega-3.
Winston: the hunt is indeed humane. This was confirmed in, among other places, the Canadian Veterinary Journal as well as in reports from independent vets.
There is nothing distinguishing the seal harvest from the harvest and use of any other non-endangered non-threatened animal that is eaten or utilized -- except some people seem to think they're "cute."
As for Morrissey, who the F#$$% is he?
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