If you ever needed evidence that the Canadian media is anti-Conservative...
...you can find it right here.
All week, the Canadian news intelligentsia have been struggling to make a story out of Conservative Leader Stephen Harper's decision to run ads outlining his personal opposition to the redefinition of marriage. It appears though, that the expectation that the Tory caucus would self-destruct over the issue has gone largely unfulfilled. But this doesn't stop the media from creating stories of internal division within Tory ranks where it doesn't even exist.
Check out this classic story from CP Online:
"Harper's gay marriage strategy exposes rift among Conservatives"
From the article:
"Marie-Josee Lapointe, former press secretary to Tory Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, calls Harper's stance 'bad strategy that's left me completely flabbergasted.'"
But the article goes on to state:
"...Lapointe, whose public relations company is doing work for social groups opposed to the Conservative position..."
So let's get this straight. A woman *used* to work for Mulroney, and is now working for GROUPS OPPOSED TO HARPER'S POSITION. But, somehow, her thoughts have credibility, because sometime, way back when, twenty years ago, she happened to work in the Prime Minister's Office? She's likely not even a Tory anymore, but regardless, anyone who has a financially vested interest in opposing the very individual she is criticising certainly shouldn't be seen by the media as someone credible enough to offer an opinion on the issue.
We've known since its birth that most media sources will stop at nothing to illustrate "division" among the Tories. But is this nonsense the best that the media can come up with?