Sunday, January 22, 2006

Tomorrow Night's Lotto 308 Numbers

Cautiously optimistic (I have broken this down riding-by-riding but won't post them):

137 Conservative
75 Liberal
36 NDP
59 Bloc
1 Independent (Portneuf)

Political Post-Mortem on Both Pauls Martin

Doug Fisher, Dean of the Ottawa Press Gallery, has a piece today depicting the fall of the present Prime Minister, arguing that it is merely a continuation of the failed leadership ambitions of his own father, Ministerial Everyman Paul Martin, Sr.

Fisher takes the words out of my mouth--I've been saying for years that Martin Jr.'s real reason for contesting the Liberal leadership twice was to achieve the prize that so eluded his father. Sadly for both, once Martin the Younger got there, he had no idea what to do with it.