Friday, June 24, 2005

THIS JUST IN: Paul Martin Acknowledges His "Devout" Catholicism

While taking nothing away from the blistering and articulate indictment of the Prime Minister delivered by my colleague Domina below, I'll nevertheless point out that the article also reports that Martin told CKNW Radio in Vancouver Monday that he is "actually a very strong Roman Catholic".

Where is the Globe and Mail's hysterics? If men of religion are not fit to be Tory candidates in marginal Tory ridings, then certainly the land's highest office cannot be occupied by a Prime Minister who is "devout(ly)" Christian.

But alas, this is Canada. Only Tory Christians are extremists wishing to impose their "hidden" socially conservative agenda on an unsuspecting Canadian populace, as the Globe and Mail so frequently embellishes. However, Rev. Bill Blaikie of the NDP and Liberal Prime Minister The Devout One can practice and preach their religiosity with impunity, and without comparable accusations launched at their motivations for political involvement.

I can't even begin to understand the logic here.


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